Our 6 Month Anniversary

Today we celebrate our 6 month anniversary...We have lived in the Bahamas for 6 months today. And with that in mind, I wanted to celebrate this milestone by finally relaunching this little baby I started 3 years ago. This little blog has been a a sort of 'thorn in my side' for a long time. It has been more a source of frustration than the space of peace that I had intended when I thought up the idea of blogging 3 years ago. Now, more than ever I need a place where I can tell my story; somewhere I can be comfortable expressing my feelings. I have so much to share, so many stories to tell and yes, recipes to to share...for life and baking 🙂

Six months since we first put our feet into the Caribbean

Six months ago, we put our feet into the Caribbean for the first time.

The last six months have been more than I could have imagine. There were highs and lows; ups and downs; disappointments and triumphs. And yet through it all, I have learned so much about myself: new strengths; old weaknesses.

My Hair has seen better days. The humidity is not great, but that is the least of my problems 🙂

It's not easy been an easy transition, and we are still not yet settled in. There are still loads of wrinkles to iron out and we have been set back due to the current global pandemic. But the hope is still there that we can and will get through this and find our feet in our new 'home'. We have so many things on our Bahamas Bucket-list. So much we wanted to see and do in our first year. And we've had to postpone them. Not cancel them.

Life with this one is definitely interesting

We don't know how the next few months will go. No one does. And that is the most difficult: not knowing. We can but hope and pray for life to return to some sort of normalcy. Because, let's face it: we will never truly go back to normal. Our normal way of life; our normal daily routine; how we interact with others; how we travel - that has forever been changed by this pandemic. Some have realised that less is more; others now understand the true meaning of family. One thing is sure: our new normal will be very interesting indeed.

And to that, I say 'cheers!'. Bring it on. If I have learnt anything over the last 6 months, it is that nothing is certain; nothing is permanent; and life is far too short not to live it.

Sunsets and cocktails...

Have you ever moved to a new city or country? How long did it take for you and settle in and find your rhythm? What have you learned about yourself during this global crisis? Comment below, I'm curious.

Till next time, Dearies
Peace and Love, Zee

2 Responses

  1. Oh, ich bin schon ganz oft umgezogen und meistens war es kein Problem. Bis auf den letzten "großen" Umzug von Karlsruhe in den Rhein.Kreis.Neuss. Das war ein Kulturschock, der mich lange und tief getroffen hat. Sehr lange. Der einzige Vorteil: Ich hab das Nähen wieder entdeckt. Das war mein Anker. Und ohne diesen hätte ich dich und all die anderen "da draußen" nie kennengelernt!
    • Zephora
      Ja, ich muss noch mein Anker finden. Vielleicht, bald :-)

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